Larry wearing his favorite football tie |
Larry loves his ties. Except for our time in Honduras, he rarely stood in the pulpit without one. With 40 plus years in ministry, he's accumulated quite an assortment, taking up a good section of his clothes closet.
Just some of the ties hanging in Larry's closet
But with that, he's also given a fair share away. During his final Father's Day Service as pastor, he presented to each man and boy in attendance a tie out of his collection. He had spent the day before sorting through and pulling out 30 or 40 of varied colors and designs before passing them out the following morning. One summer during kids' camp, he put a tie around the neck of each boy for dress-up night. I happened to be there that evening and saw a row of boys, proudly sporting their neckwear, parading into the dining hall to the applause of the girls and and their counselors.
Even in retirement he continues to wear his favorite accessory. Last year when the churches were shut down, he dressed up each Sunday morning with a button-down shirt and matching tie before accompanying me, a member of the worship team, to an empty sanctuary for the livestream. Just for fun, I started posting pics of him and his selection of the week on social media and people have been "following" his ties ever since.
Larry wore this "bug" tie the first week of shutdown. It seemed appropriate |
We love thrift shops though we probably spend more time looking than we do buying. Lately, however, Larry has started searching out, well, you know what. There's a place over on Memorial Highway that has theirs for a buck. You just have to work your way through a couple of big boxes filled with other random stuff to find them, but he doesn't mind. It's the thrill of the hunt I guess.
His latest find from the Good Will Store |
Speaking of hunts, a surprise package arrived some months back from our friend Deb in New York. There were some treats for Rudy the dog, a couple things for me, and for Larry, a bundle of ties that fit perfectly with his likes and personality. She enjoys searching out the hidden treasures of a thrift store as much as we do, but when I asked where she managed to find the one he picked out as his favorite, she responded with one word. Amazon.
Larry's favorite from friend Deb |
I suppose most of us collect something or other. I have a collection of snowmen, but they stay stored in our attic most of the year. But Larry enjoys sharing his tie collection all year long, sporting a different one each week. And as you can see, the children and other friends and family are great about joining him from Sunday to Sunday as we take the shot. It makes for memories and fun.
Seeing friend Mac for the first time in 14 years. This was a happy moment to share! |
Kids from church joining Larry for a picture |
Autumn getting in on the fun |
Babies too! |
Granddaughters are always nice |
Last week a small package came to our mailbox addressed to Larry. Imagine his delight when he opened the mailer to find several ties in nice condition of various designs tucked inside. His sister Paulette operates a community clothes closet and decided to surprise him. It was like Christmas in July.
This butterfly tie belonged to our friend Billy Headley who is now with Jesus |
I recently heard someone make the comment, "Who wears those things anymore?" Well, I know one guy who does. Recently he had the privilege of wearing two that had belonged to some special friends, now deceased, given to him by their widows. He was honored to do so.
This one belonged to Jimmy Stanfield who is also with Jesus. His granddaughter is standing next to Larry. |